To keep the suspense going a bit longer, today is a post about Test Gizmo, a world that was supposed to be a test for some CFE Gizmo norns, to test how smart they were compared to normal norns. However, I got attached to the norns, and so this world became a world for pampering the group of norns I had hatched.
Upon re-entering the world, I was greeted with this scene. Ensyla, the mother of Kasaii, had ventured into the hub, and Monatar, her first love, had found her there. Shortly before I was able to take the picture, Asor wandered in too. Asor was rather excited, but Ensyla and Monatar were content to nap and watch over each other.
I couldn't stay, however, as I was suddenly alerted that Kali had become pregnant with Clay. These two are my pair of CreatureLink norns, and they have been spending all their time together, flooding my world with eggs.
I had only a second to check on Kali before I was notified that Ensyla was pregnant too. It was hectic for a few moments while I checked on them both, but they laid their eggs with no trouble. Kali was right back to happily munching on seeds as soon as she laid her egg, but poor Ensyla was so tired that she had to take a nap!
As soon as I had these two sorted out, I went to go check on the Meso, where I found a family reunion in progress. Kalita had met her daughters, Emiko and Emikai, under the shade of the apple tree, and they were having a wonderful time playing together.
Further down, I found Emitalia enjoying a well-deserved nap next to the Empathic Vendor, with Toru peeking out from behind her. Perhaps he had tired her out?
The bottom floor was mostly quiet, as Imisonora and Penaro were resting. Maybe I caught this world in the middle of a sleep toxin epidemic? Whatever the cause, everyone seemed to be sleeping. Shortly after this picture was taken, I had to separate these two for a bit, because Penaro had decided to start slapping instead of napping.
The Workshop had been full of activity early on, but now it was mostly deserted, and Mokor, the only norn left, was apparently also affected by the sleeping epidemic.
To end this post, I decided to post a picture of the eggs from this world. The eggs on the left are from Kali and Clay, and the eggs on the right are from everyone else. Of course, this is not all of the eggs, as some have been hatched. I'm not sure what sort of creatures these eggs will hold, but judging by all the grey hairs I see, I think some of these eggs might get hatched in the next update.
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