Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Hello! I suck at making introductions, so I'm going to jump straight to posting.

For my first post, I'm going to post an update about my new wolfling run in Docking Station. This wolfling run takes place in Veridia, and connects to an IQ test in Gardenia. Gardenia is unaltered, but Veridia now has elevators, CA links, and lots of food and toys. Over the generations, some food sources and toys will gradually be removed, to encourage norns that are better at surviving. At around the 15th generation, the population will be moved to the Meso, where there will be very few food sources and toys, only a few norns will be alive at once, and stingers will be released and allowed to build nests. The norn that survives longest here will be exported and saved. Currently, I'm about three hours and one generation into the run, and most of the norns are at adulthood and doing well.

Stereotyped Clock and Apathetic Party were supposed to be Nenya norns, but that slot got overwritten by C12DS Banana norns. Fortunately, they managed to keep their Nenya tails, but the tails did end up in rather odd places. Together, this pair have retreated to the treetops, or, in Stereotyped Clock's case, thin air. This is actually because of how I set Veridia up. I didn't want norns to be able to fall off the platforms, so I added walls with Magic Words Room Edits. In this case, though, the room boundary didn't line up with the platform, so I had to extend it a bit.

On the ground, Hulking Pleasure, Grateful Surprise, Measly Ball, Hurried Point, and Adjoining Bucket have gathered near the Interporter from the female IQ test track. There have been a few slaps, but on the whole they seem pretty relaxed.
Aggressive Tomatoes seemed really surprised to have his picture taken. He apparently decided not to join the group surrounding the female Interporter, but has instead been wandering about nearby. He has left most of the ground floor deserted, choosing to settle in a small patch of Watercup Mushrooms instead.

Special Fear, Spiky Minute, Hard Writing, Loutish Badge, Dapper Book, Diligent Eggs, and Ablaze Shakes formed another group next to a Tea Time Creamer plant, where they seemed to be trying to break the world record for most kisspops at once. Despite being right next to an Elevine, Special Fear was the only norn who wanted to spread out.

Frantic Book seemed rather depressed earlier, and would only stir to occasionally suggest things to others, but she seems to have recovered, if only just to pace endlessly near the the Vibraphone. I hope she at least pauses to eat, and soon. She'll need to, after having spent so long fasting.

Overall, the run is doing fairly well, but it is only a few hours in. They might not do so well next time, especially since they will have to deal with a new hazard....

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