Friday, October 18, 2013

Forum Feral Run: Everybody's Getting Old...

Sorry about this post being delayed. I've been kind of busy lately. Anyway, apparently the norns of the feral run have been feeling the effects of my absence too, because I checked on them today to find almost all of them in their old age.

First I found Untidy Woman, whose vibrant colors have turned grey. They say that memory is the first thing to go, so maybe her age is why she seems to have forgotten how to eat. She endlessly repeats how hungry she is for starch, but rather than do anything about it, she chose to lie down on the ground and moan at anyone who would listen.

Maybe she was just copying Henna? I would expect better behavior from a girl who is known for having actually done something about her dislike of being pregnant. Of course, maybe getting away from male norns and slapping pregnancy indicators isn't a very good solution for this problem.

On the other side of the door, Bumpy Pollution has become old too, and is watching over Banjo, who has not.
 Nearby, Cosmica noticed her new colors, and decided that she would have to eat all the candy she could before she died.

Nearby, there was a saddening death. Ikoii has been taking care of himself well. Unfortunately, in his advanced age, he didn't fare well against glycotoxin.

Pretty Trade was the next death. I was about to check his age, when he suddenly died of starvation. I guess the short distance over to Cosmica's hoard of candy was a bit much for him.

Abnormal Load was the last death. He starved as well. The Empathic Vendor vended some star seeds for him, but apparently he was quite picky, as they were left untouched.
 For some happier news, Dezzy decided to celebrate his old age with a trip to where the splicer used to be. The persistent candyfruit patch there is apparently quite enough to sustain him, since he is perfectly happy and has no high drives.

Fahru, on the over hand, was not quite so happy. Now that he's an old man, all the new-fangled UFO and rocket toys are not enough to keep him entertained. No, sitting in the corner and sulking is what he feels like doing.

Maybe Leslie can cheer him up? Despite her age, she's quite happy to have fun with a contact sensor and a high-bounce rubber ball. Her suggestions of "maybe push toy Fahru" seem quite sensible, too.

On the level above, Waffle and Picard have just found out about their age, and they have mixed reactions. Waffle seems quite startled, but I think Picard enjoys the new colors.

 Unsurprisingly, all old age has done to Fieval is make him even more paranoid. This must be a scheme by the pumpkin-wielding ettins to, uh, make him look silly?

Grubby Shake is having a good time, and is celebrating with a meal of potatoes and lemons. She has also been joined by her friend the oddly stationary hummingbird, who just hovers in front of her and flaps his wings.

Old age must be extremely surprising. Viola stood perfectly still in this pose for several minutes before calming down.

Wendy has been alternating between attempting to slap the Anti-Bacterial spray to death, and making it her very best friend.

Shivering Look isn't old just yet. There's no time for arthritis when you're busy surfing the waves. His Bondi lifespan may be longer, but it won't last forever. Age will catch up to him sooner or later.
Dazavor is also remaining youthful. Maybe taking over the control panel also allowed him to hack into the medicine bay and inject life chemical?

With almost every norn being old, and a few dying, I think this generation is on its way out, and we'll be able to see the inhabitants of the eggs they have laid soon.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Forum Feral Run: Romance and Tragedy

Among other events in the forum run today, there has been a story of romance, tragedy, indifference, more romance, and if you're willing to count the previous update, a friendship.

At first, all is peaceful and happy. There are occasional accidents, like Picard wandering into the middle of a Stinger nest, but for the most part, all is well, and norns are free to take naps while others eat everything in sight and stare at trees.

Romance blooms in the desert. These two norns are very different, and when they first meet, they are frightened, alternating between running away and hiding. However, when they run, they always return, and they only hide behind each other, smiling the whole time.
Tragedy strikes, and a nasty illness brings an end to the relationship, just as it had brought an end to the life of Fortunate Bomb before.
A wave of fear washes over the world. Well, one norn becomes paranoid of an army of ettins attacking with pumpkins. Close enough.

 Both Imperial Fly norns have now experienced the loss of someone dear. Grubby Shake lost Tahvora, her closest friend, and Fahru lost Taboo Earthquake, his lovely, uh, partner? They both seem to be dealing with it well, though. Grubby Shake takes joy in the simple pleasures of watching butterflies and eating potatoes.

Fahru, however, finds a new love, a norn who has traveled to the distant corners of the world, finding joy, exciting adventures, delicious food, and beautiful views. Maybe the one thing she hasn't found is love? I'm sure that Fahru will be able to give her that, as long as he doesn't wake up from a nap one day to find her gone, exploring, seeking a place she hasn't been yet.

This story is sad, and happy. Perhaps it's random, but it has a definite story. It might follow in the footsteps of the stories that came before, but it adds something new. Some may call it boring, but to the characters it must have been exciting. It is a bit short, but maybe just long enough. Whatever this story is, I'm hoping I have something better for tomorrow.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Forum Feral Run: Checking Up on Everybody

Last night, after being reminded to by my mother, I checked the comments on this blog. You guys reminded me that not a lot of the norns are getting screen time. Most of the time, I end up just going to each metaroom, and getting a screenshot of whichever norn there is doing the most interesting thing. This is a good strategy for a personal world that I happen to be doing updates on, but not so great for a forum run that lots of people are participating in. So, to remedy that, today's post will be an update on each and every norn that is still in the run. I'll start with the first norn in the creature selection window, and then tab through the rest.

Well, the first norn turned out to be Untidy Woman, who is doing rather well. She has been spending most of her time in front of the door from the Norn Terrarium to the Bridge, but she has moved leftwards now. She is doing rather well for herself, and her only worry when I came to check on her was that she was a bit hungry for starch. Since there is an Empathic Vendor nearby, she'll be fine as long as she eats the star seeds. Either that, or travel up to where the Pumperspikel grow.

I tabbed over just in time to see that Bumpy Pollution had picked up a rather dangerous hobby. Sleeping in the Airlock! I'm pretty sure she can't push the big red button, though, and I closed the door as soon as she was outside. She was rather bored, but there's a Dalek toy nearby.

Viola had plenty of food on the bottom floor of the desert, as there was a Justanut bush, a cheese vendor, and some candyfruit. She'll have no concerns about starvation as long as she stays there, and eating plenty of food will help with her illness. It isn't anything life-threatening, though, just a bit of Histamine B, so she can take a break to go find a toy, since she's a bit bored.

Despite the dangerous place she's in, Wendy is actually doing great! She keeps an Anti-Bacterial Spray gadget around, and she pushes it continuously, so she's pretty safe from illness. I don't know how, but she has found enough food to keep her hunger drives at zero. She's been resting, so she isn't tired. Her choice of location might have been a bit bad, though, because she's getting scared of the piranhas, and since no one else wants to visit, she's a bit lonely.

Seeing Tahvora on her own was rather startling, because usually she and Grubby Shake are inseparable. Tahvora wasn't doing well without her best friend, and all she seems to do is rest and sleep. She is very hungry, very lonely, kind of sleepy, and kind of bored. At least she isn't ill, though.

Cosmica was by the Norn Terrarium door with Untidy Woman, but she came to the Bridge to eat all the food in sight and try her hardest to kisspop ten times at once. She's doing rather well, with only a little bit of tiredness, and I have no clue why she isn't pregnant.

At this point, sadly, I was interrupted by a death notification. Tahvora really was not doing well without Grubby Shake, and she starved to death. This means that both C1 Wildkats are out of the run with no children, which is rather unfortunate.

In happier news, Leslie is doing very well. She isn't ill, and she's just a bit bored and a bit tired. I guess the desert is actually a pretty good place if you want to survive!

Bea is enjoying her old age, and keeping her drives low. Even her highest drive is only up about halfway. She isn't ill, and she's been taking care of herself.

Henna is in her old age too now, and she's been traveling back and forth between the Norn Terrarium and the Bridge. She's apparently combining the best of both to keep all her drives low. I guess traveling so much also means that the bacteria can't catch up to her.

It turns out that Grubby Shake was just on the other side of the garden. She's not ill, and most of her drives are low, but loneliness is rather high, probably because she's the only norn in C12DS, since Tahvora died.

Taboo Earthquake is looking as happy as can be, with good cause. Most of her drives are at zero, with the only exception being that she's crowded. She does have a very minor illness, though. She has just a little bit of Histamine B.

Abnormal Load is just a bit tired and a bit crowded, but otherwise he's doing great, which I think Nutter will be happy to know. He's among his friends in the desert, and I was nearly deafened by all the talking going on. He must have learned well how to survive, and he's teaching the others by example as well as giving them helpful suggestions.

Pretty Trade is in his old age and doing pretty okay. He is rather bored and hungry for starch, though.

Dazavor has managed a pretty impressive feat. He caught a candyfruit seed! That one little seed won't help with his hunger for protein and his boredom, though, and it's definitely no substitute for a friend.

Then, I got another death notification. This time, it was Bea, who died happily of old age, in her home at the bottom of the Meso with a friend nearby.

Next was Picard, who I got to just in time to see him running from the slap-happy norns a level lower. He's a bit hungry and a bit bored, but otherwise doing well, especially since he had the good sense to get away from a slap fight.

Dezzy ran from the fight as well, but he didn't think to use the elevines. He might just have been hampered by shivers and coughs, though, since he has glycotoxin and Histamine B, and he's very cold.

Okay, I just want to stop a moment and show you this. It isn't important and it has nothing to do with the run, but I want to show you. Apparently a gnarler egg landed on the slope into the nursery at some point, and the gnarler that hatched fell in, so now there is a horde of gnarlers doing nothing but just trying to scramble up this slope.

Okay, back to important stuff. Waffle is kind of bored, kind of tired, and kind of cold. He also has one bacteria. He is mostly doing fine, though.

Gamzee has wandered into the Jungle, along with Abnormal Load, who kept trying to shield him from my evil picture-taking. Gamzee is very bored and rather hungry, but he isn't ill and there's an Empathic Vendor nearby.

Fortunate Bomb is apparently trying to join the Ministry of Silly Walks now. Either that, or he's a drunken zombie. He's bored and hungry for protein, but he isn't ill. Of course, that just makes the fact that he's coughing even more confusing.

Ikoii is hiding behind gadgets, so I could only just barely get a picture of him. He's hungry and bored, and he has a little bit of glycotoxin.

Shivering Look has abandoned his teddy gadget, but that won't help him with his high boredom and hunger. Unfortunately, instead of doing anything about it, he just seems to want to lie there on the floor.

Banjo is a bit hungry and a bit bored, but he isn't ill. Of course, he might become ill, thanks to Ikoii's helpful suggestions of "eat door."

Next, I found out that Fortunate Bomb had died, of a nasty combination of Glycotoxin, ATP Decoupler, and Antigen 7. No norn could have survived that nasty illness.

My next stop is actually right nearby. Fahru is a bit bored and a bit crowded, but otherwise great.

Fieval is apparently trying to keep track of any Ettins that come his way. He should probably pay closer attention to his own needs, though. He's hungry and bored, and he has some glycotoxin.

Lastly, Quake has reached his old age. He's lonely without Bea to keep him company, and he's a bit hungry for starch, but he's otherwise doing well.

Well, that's all the norns, so this update is done.